About Us

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Gebrüder Neuhof GmbH & Co. KG
Birkenweg 11
35644 Hohenahr-Altenkirchen

Telephone: +49 (0) 6444 9237-0
Fax: +49 (0) 6444 9237-20

Internet: https://www.neuhof-dies.com
E-Mail Address:  info@neuhof-dies.com

Legal entity form:

Proprietors, responsible for the content of this website:
Mario and Christian Neuhof

directors: Mario and Christian Neuhof

general partner: Mario and Christian Neuhof

Listed in the Trade Registry (Handelsregister): Amtsgericht Wetzlar
Registry number (Registernummer): HRA 6611

VAT-ID: DE 249381643

